PCI DSS and Retail Environment

If you’re a retailer, you know full well how tough it is right now in this economy.  You’re constantly trying to find new revenue sources while keeping your current customers happy.  And regardless of how big you are, data safety and data protection must remain top priorities if you hope to grow and expand.

Add to that, if your network billing and inventory apps aren’t available 24x7x365, you could realize significant financial and customer service risks.  And if you want to comply with Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards, your security policies have to be defined and enforced.  If you don’t comply, expect to get whacked with considerable financial penalties and sanctions!

Most retailers don’t want to spend a lot of time worrying about the aforementioned – they want to focus on their core business.  But every day you read about a company that’s been hacked – and there are also numerous other Internet threats like Trojans, viruses, intrusion attempts, denial of service attacks that are becoming ever more sophisticated.  And just having a firewall and software to guard against malicious content just doesn’t cut it today.

Ready to reach for that bottle of Tylenol, yet?  There is a solution – a managed security service.  In short, with a managed security service, such as what Network Box offers/provides, you can connect and secure multiple, geographically dispersed sites and important apps like inventory control and point-of-sale systems.  Some other key benefits include:

  • Safely/securely connecting multiple stores, branches, warehouses, remote sites
  • Reduce operational costs by centralizing security policy management
  • Reducing admin/operational overhead
  • Protecting sensitive/confidential data and ensuring compliance with PCI standards
  • Growing your network without sacrificing centralized control

So, there is light at the end of that retail tunnel – give me a call (832/242-5757) or send an email (pierluigi.stella@networkboxusa.com) and let’s discuss further how we can help your company not worry about security issues and get back to what you do best.  You’ll also get a good night’s sleep!